Testosterone is a hormone present in large quantities in males and in lesser quantities in females. It is the most naturally produced in the gonads (testes).A healthy adult man produces on average 5 to 7 times more testosterone than a woman.
Use in the Sports World
In the sports world, and particularly among bodybuilders, it can be provided exogenously, in the form of intramuscular injections in order to improve physical condition. Its use will cause muscle mass gain accompanied by the development of strength. Better muscle recovery allowing longer and more intensive workouts. A feeling of well-being and increased self-confidence are commonly felt effects. Options to buy testosterone cypionate online are now available.

How It Works
Used alone, testosterone is available in approximately 12 to 24 hours. The addition of an ester is often used to slow assimilation.Among the testosterone esters, we distinguish four main ones. We classify them from the ester with the longest half-life, to the one with the shortest.
Proper Usage
The enanthate, which is a long ester, can slow the absorption of testosterone to several days, several weeks. About 1 to 3 weeks. Its interest is to generate long and solid effects of testosterone in the user. It can be used alone or combined with another testosterone. So you can buy testosterone cypionate and use the same now.
The propionate which has a half-life of about 2 to 3 days
The suspension is a bit special in the sense that its half-life can extend from 1 to 7 days depending on the case.This product must be injected into a muscle (intramuscular) by a healthcare practitioner.